Need some help determining just what model John Deere plow you have? Just click on the photos below to go to a Slide Show view of many (but not all...just yet). If you happen to have a decent photo or illustration of a John Deere plow model not seen here, please email and I will add it for everyones' benefit.
If you want to be positively sure of what model JD plow you have, why not search for the Part Catalog for Free! (the .pdf file format catalogs will open automatically in Adobe Viewer and can be saved to your compuete & printed if needed). If you want to see the plow bottoms catalog search for 'Bottom' and you will find PC0158 (blacksmith type bottoms) and PC1308 (HS & NU series bottoms).
Remember that not all John Deere plows had the same type of plow bottoms. I like to use the analogy of ice cream. Imagine the John Deere plow model as the ice cream cone and the type of plow bottom as the flavor ice cream (many differenty types and sizes). Look close and take notes about your plow (part numbers are best) when gathering information on your plow & plow bottoms.
Click HERE to search for JD Parts Catalogs
(don't forget to come back here for more information)
The above images are meant to assist you in finding out what model your plow is or to just provide something neat to look through. By no means is this set of pictures comprehensive to John Deere plows as there were so many models made to which I don't have decent pictures.
If after viewing these photos you are still unsure about what model of plow you have, please email or call me for more information.
Once you determine what model plow you have, please check out the large selection of parts and perhaps even a copy of an operator's manual (not all models are available).
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This website is in no way affiliated with Deere & Company.